01 June 2014

A week or two ago, after I returned from Norway, a group of friends and I went on a fishing and snorkeling trip in the Red Sea.  Over the past years, the six of us have become quite close, though, soon our life's paths will take us in different directions.  You see, our time in Saudi Arabia has come to an end.  The last four years has been an adventure.  And as with any adventure, there is fun and there is struggle.  But, the times that I will remember the most are those great pursuits that we shared with friends, and those times that we helped each other through struggles.  Together we explored the deserts of Arabia, we camped with camels, hiked in the heat, explored some ruins, and even climbed Mount Kilimanjaro.  We shared many a barbecue dinner and fried fishes, and even dark sweet cheese.  We went running on Mondays and lunched together most everyday.  When one of a pair went out of town, we fought the loneliness together, we checked in on each other.  Its not so entirely easy to make good friends when you are an adult.  I feel fortunate that I met and got to know these fine folks and I'm glad that we shared a final day out at sea together.


  1. To quote the Wizard of Oz, "I'll miss you most of all, Scarecrow" and so a new adventure begins. Bittersweet.

  2. Good Friends, Good Food, and Good Bye Saudi

  3. What's the fish that Pablo caught?

  4. Luckily we will see all of our friends again soon in Colombia!

    The fish Pablo caught is a black snapper!
